Exams Information for Candidates

Exam Candidate Information

Year 10 and Year 11 pupils who are completing coursework, non-examination assessments and written exams must adhere to the strict rules and regulations as directed by the JCQ and relevant exam. At Golborne High School, we expect our pupils to respect these national rules and regulations, model the Golborne Way and act accordingly in each situation to ensure each aspect of the assessment is carried out in the correct conditions. We ensure that our pupils have a full understanding, through SLT assemblies and subject lessons, of what is expected of them in each situation and utilise the formal mock examinations to best replicate the written examination environment at each key assessment point.

For each formal examination, candidates will receive an individual timetable, detailing the date, time and duration of each examination. These timetables will also include their seat number for each examination. The seating plan for each examination will be displayed on the noticeboard at the end of the Sports Hall corridor.


Arrangements for Exam Results Day

Exam Results Information


February 2024 Mock Exam Timetable

February 2024 Mock Exam Timetable


Summer 2024 Exam Timetable

The linked document includes all examinations being taken at Golborne High School during the Summer 2024 series. Individual candidate timetables will be released to candidates before each assessment point, with details of the examinations they are taking. Pupils and parents/carers will be able to access the examination timetable digitally through the Exams tab in Edulink.

Please note that students must be available for the scheduled contingency days as per JCQ guidance.

GHS Examination Timetable - Summer 2024


Approach to Exams

Candidates must:

  • Arrive in school 30 minutes before the start of the examination in full school uniform
  • Know their seat number prior to entering the examination room
  • Follow the instructions given by invigilators before, during and after the examination.
  • Enter the examination room under exam conditions, with no communication with other pupils
  • Ensure that all mobile phones, watches and other technological/web enabled sources of information are handed in at the start of the examination. These must not be in the examination room and will be stored securely outside of the examination room.
  • Ensure that all notes/documents, including for other subjects, do not remain on their person.
  • Remain in examination conditions until all examination papers have been collected. Follow the invigilators clear instructions on how to exit the examination room and remain in silence until away from the examination corridor as other candidates may still be in the examination.
  • Remain in the examination hall for the duration of the examination and are not permitted to leave early.

Candidates must:

  • Carefully read the instructions on the front of the examination paper.
  • Check that they have the correct question paper and tier. An invigilator should be informed immediately if they are unsure.
  • Write in black ink only, unless using a pencil for drawing diagrams. 
  • Ensure that they complete the candidate information on the front of the examination paper correctly, using their legal name and candidate number,

For each examination, candidates must arrive fully equipped with the following items:

  • Black pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler (graduated in cm/mm)
  • Rubber
  • Highlighters (ideally two different colours)
  • Scientific calculator, where required.

Specialist equipment, such as a protractor, pair of compassed or tracing paper, will be provided by the invigilators (if required).

Only a transparent pencil case is permitted in the examination room.
Additionally, a clear transparent water bottle, without a label, is permitted in the examinations.

The Candidate Information Pack, which pupils need to be familiar with, explains in more detail the rules and regulations that must be adhered to. 

Exam Candidate Information Pack 2023-24

Exam Candidate Information Pack 2023-24 (Year 10)

Internal Appeals Procedure (Internal assessment decisions)

Internal Appeals Procedure (Reviews of Results and Appeals)

Additionally, the JCQ guidance documents and a useful summary video are linked below for your information. It is important that all examination candidates fully understand what is expected and how to approach each form of assessment.

Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments 2024-24
Information for Candidates - On-Screen Examinations 2023-24
Information for Candidates - Privacy Notice
Information for Candidates - Social Media 2023-24
Information for Candidates - Written Examinations 2024Information for Candidates - Non Exam Assessments 2023-24


Ofqual Useful Guides

Guide for Students

Coping with exam pressure - a guide for students

Resources to help students prepare for exams and assessments