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At Golborne High School we have very high standards regarding behaviour, learning and uniform. There are very good reasons for wearing a uniform. It encourages a feeling of belonging and pride in the school and in appearance.

The suppliers are Impressions in Golborne and Slaters in Wigan. The Golborne High Uniform cannot be bought from any other suppliers.

Skirt Uniform

  • Tartan Golborne skirt below the knee
  • Grey Golborne jumper with purple trim – compulsory after October Half Term to Easter
  • Plain white school blouse/shirt
  • Purple blazer with gold school badge
  • Plain grey tights (From September 2022)
  • Golborne clip-on tie
  • Appropriate school shoes as outlined on the school website (no training or leisure shoes)

Trouser Uniform

  • Grey standard fit school trousers (no slim fit) – these are a specific shade of grey as agreed with our suppliers
  • Plain grey or black socks
  • White school shirt
  • Golborne clip-on tie
  • Purple school blazer with gold school badge
  • Grey Golborne jumper with purple trim – compulsory after October Half Term to Easter
  • Appropriate school shoes as outlined on the school website (no training or leisure shoes)

A dark-coloured school coat – to be worn outdoors only with no hoodies or tracksuit tops.

There is no make-up or jewellery permitted.

PE and Games Kit

  • Golborne purple top (2 designs available)
  • Golborne black shorts (2 designs available)
  • Golborne black long training pants - compulsory after October Half Term to Easter
  • Golborne black training top with ¾ zip – compulsory after October Half Term to Easter
  • Training shoes
  • Black sports socks
  • Football boots (optional due to extra-curricular needs)

Training tops are for use in PE only and should not be worn around the school.

Parents are advised for winter months, for safety reasons, that outdoor coats have reflective strips.

Bags and Belongings

Every student should have a bag for belongings which is clearly labelled with their name and tutor group.

The correct equipment must be brought to every lesson. The minimum a student is required to bring is a pen, pencil, ruler and eraser. All equipment can be purchased from the Learning Resource Centre before and after school.

As part of the uniform, all school bags must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Dark in colour
  • Unpatented
  • Large enough for all books and PE kit.
  • No large logos
  • Any apparel on the bag must be of contrasting colour

Other items:

  • The use of mobile devices and headphones are not permitted to be used in school.
  • Smartwatches and apple watches are not permitted in school.
  • Jewellery is not allowed. If a student needs to wear a piece of jewellery for medical or religious reasons it must be removed for physical activity or practical lessons as this is a health and safety risk.
  • Make-up is not allowed to be worn in school. No nail varnish should be worn. Tattoos are not allowed.
  • Hair should not obscure a student’s vision. Long hair must be tied up in a plain black hair clip or band. Hair accessories should be small, plain and black. No flowers or bows should be worn. Extreme hairstyles [including hair shorter than number 3] or unnatural colourings are not allowed. Shaved patterns in hair or eyebrows are not allowed. If parents are unsure about whether an item of uniform is correct they are advised to check with the Head of House for their child.
  • Shoes must comply with those modelled on the school website.
  • Students who wear incorrect uniforms will be isolated from the rest of the school until their uniform is corrected.
  • Please can we ask all pupils to wear clock face watches to help them prepare for examinations.

Uniform Documents

Document Title Date  
Unifrom FAQs 17th Feb 2023 Download
Uniform Policy 18th Jul 2024 Download
Uniform and Standards 18th Jul 2024 Download